All of the following terms, whether used in the singular or plural, are used with the following meaning:
"Bulk Purchase" means the purchase of several Tickets by a legal entity, such as a company, a tourism professional, an association, a social and economic committee, or a local authority, above the threshold set out in the Price Schedules and/or as specified in a separate partnership agreement negotiated by mutual agreement.
"Purchaser" means any person making a purchase of Tickets for a Group on the Site or making a Bulk Purchase of Tickets and who has accepted these General Terms and Conditions of Sale.
"Accreditation" means the authorisation validated by the Company to carry out visits and accompany Groups as an external tour guide within the Bourse de Commerce.
"Ticket" means the e-Ticket, m-Ticket or thermal ticket for admission to the Services taking place at the Bourse de Commerce, purchased by the Purchaser on the Site or by telephone. Depending on the Services chosen, a Ticket refers to a booking fee and/or admission tickets as such and/or guided tour services or to a package which may cover admission tickets and guided tour services, according to the conditions set out in the Price Schedules.
The "Bourse de Commerce" means the exhibition, visit and workshop venue(s) where the Services are provided, i.e. the Bourse de Commerce de Paris, accessible at 2 rue de Viarmes 75001 Paris, or any exhibition and visit venue that may be specified for services that take place "outside".
"Birthday Workshop" means the visits and workshops carried out by Groups of children and led by an official guide of the Company (or appointed by the Company), followed by a birthday party partaken of under the responsibility of the accompanying adults (adults who come with the children).
"Force majeure" means any event within the meaning of the law and usually retained as such by Article 1218 of the Civil Code and the case law of the French courts on the day of their occurrence. Changes in the opening hours or conditions of reception of the public that may be imposed on the Company for security purposes also constitute a case of force majeure.
"Customer Account" means the account through which users of the Site wishing to place an order identify themselves and fill in the form. The Customer Account allows access to their order history and tracking, their subscriptions to newsletters and other services.
"General Terms and Conditions of Sale" refers to these general terms and conditions, the purpose of which is to define the conditions of purchase and use of Tickets for Groups as well as Bulk Purchases of Tickets, applicable to the placing of orders.
"Group(s)" refers to groups of visitors who have opted for a time slot reserved for "pre-formed" groups (Guided tours with an official guide of the Bourse de Commerce, Self-guided tours with an external tour guide or relay, Open tours, as defined below). The number of visitors that may make up the Group varies according to the type of visit and is specified on the Site and/or in the Visiting Rules.
"Services" refers to all of the visit formats offered to Groups by the Company at the Bourse de Commerce on the Sites.
"Visiting Rules" means the rules applicable to the conduct of the visit, including in particular safety instructions, accessibility, and the opening hours of the Bourse de Commerce available here.
"Site" means the Company's commercial website allowing the purchase of Tickets for Groups online, accessible, as the case may be, at the address billetterie-groupes.pinaultcollection.com, billetterie-conferenciers.pinaultcollection.com and/or billetterie-grandscomptes.pinaultcollection.com.
"Price Schedule" means the price schedule for all Tickets available on the Site, including the financial conditions applicable for Bulk Purchases. The applicable price schedule is the one in force on the day the Order is placed. The total price at the time of validation of the order is the final price.
"QRCode" means a 2D barcode embedded in the Tickets.
"Self-guided tour with an external tour guide" means visits by Groups led by tour guides with Company Accreditation.
"Self-guided tour with an external relay" refers to visits by Groups, accompanied by guides belonging to one of the categories listed in the Price Schedule (schools, students, social field, accessibility).
"Guided tour with an official Company guide" means the visits carried out by Groups and led by an official guide of the Company (or appointed by the Company)."Open tour" refers to visits by Groups of 10 to 20 people, without a guide, but requiring a reservation.
"Workshop with an official Company guide" means the visits and workshops carried out by Groups of children and led by an official guide of the Company (or appointed by the Company).
Article 2: PURPOSE - SCOPE
The purpose of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale is to define the rights and obligations of the Company and the Purchaser in the context of distance selling by the Company on the Site(s) or by telephone of Tickets giving access to the Services intended for Groups. These General Terms and Conditions of Sale also apply to Bulk Purchases.
These General Terms and Conditions of Sale do not apply to purchases of individual Tickets, purchases of Services for individuals, or purchases made on site or from partners of the Company.
The Purchaser, whether as a Group leader or in the context of a Bulk Purchase, acknowledges having read the General Terms and Conditions of Sale prior to validating their purchase. Any purchase of a Ticket implies acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale without exception. Consequently, the Purchaser declares and acknowledges that they are entirely familiar with them and therefore waives the right to rely on any other document.
The Company reserves the right to adapt or amend these General Terms and Conditions of Sale at any time. Subsequent modifications or versions of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale will be published on the Site(s) by means of an announcement or provided to the Purchaser on request and will only be applicable to sales subsequent to their publication.
Several types of Services (and Tickets associated with such Services) are offered for sale by telephone or online for Groups on the Site(s). The Company reserves the right to update the various Services and associated Tickets offered for sale on the Site, as well as the corresponding conditions, in the Price Schedule.
4.1. Guided tours and Workshops with an official Company guide
The Company offers on the Site and by telephone guided tours and workshops by official Company guides. The associated Ticket corresponds to a package that can be purchased by reservation, depending on the Company's available time slots. This Service is not subject to a minimum number of participants, but cannot be provided beyond the maximum number of participants specified in the Price Schedule and/or on the Site(s). Additional individual tickets may be purchased for participants above the threshold corresponding to the package, provided that the conditions of the visit (and in particular sanitary conditions) so allow.
Guided tours and Workshops with an official Company guide can be purchased up to 15 working days prior to the visit.
The Group categories, terms and conditions of visits and the services included in the packages are described on the Site and may be updated by the Company at its discretion : https://www.pinaultcollection.com/en/boursedecommerce/publics/groups
4.2. Open tours with an external relay
The Company offers visit time slots for Groups accompanied by external relays (schools, students, social field, accessibility) under the conditions set out in the Visiting Rules and/or on the Site.
Open tours with an external relay must be booked for a visit slot against payment of a booking fee according to the Price Schedule in force and the purchase of admission tickets for each person in the Group. Tickets correspond to these booking fees and can be purchased up to the day of the visit, subject to available time slots.
The categories of eligible Groups, the visit conditions and the services included in the booking fees are described on the Site : https://www.pinaultcollection.com/en/boursedecommerce/publics/groups. Proof of the status of the external relay may be requested.
External relays undertake to respect the maximum threshold for the number of visitors within the Group that they accompany, as indicated on the Site and/or in the Visiting Rules and, in general, to comply with the security and visit rules set out in the Visiting Rules.
4.3. Self-guided tours with an external tour guide
The Company authorises external professional tour guides to accompany Groups within the Bourse de Commerce, subject to a prior request for Accreditation on the Site at the address billetterie-conferenciers.pinaultcollection.com.
Once their request for Accreditation has been validated, they will be able to book their visit slot online by paying a booking fee, up to the same day, depending on the slots available, and an admission Ticket for each person in the Group.
The categories of Groups, the visit conditions and the services included in the booking fees are described on the Site : https://www.pinaultcollection.com/en/boursedecommerce/publics/groups
External tour guides undertake to respect the maximum threshold for the number of visitors within the Group that they accompany, as indicated on the Site and/or in the Visiting Rules and, in general, to comply with the security and visit rules set out in the Visiting Rules.
4.3.2 Request for Accreditation
The external tour guide creates a Customer account on the Site billetterie-conferenciers.pinaultcollection.com by providing the information requested via the collection form.
The processing for validation of Accreditation requests by the Company is carried out within 72 working hours of receipt of all the information, documents and evidence requested by the Company.
As soon as their Customer Account has been validated, the external tour guide will receive by email the validation of their Company Accreditation which they will have to download and print in A4 format from their personal space. A pouch will be given to them on their first visit to allow them to wear it at each visit.
The Company Accreditation is valid for an indefinite period. The Company may refuse an Accreditation or terminate the current Accreditation of an external tour guide in the event of:
- Non-compliance with the Visiting Rules,
- Non-payment,
- Non-compliant documents.
4.4. Open tours
Groups of 10 to 20 people wishing to visit the Bourse de Commerce freely, without a guide, must reserve a visit slot within the limits of the available slots and against payment of a booking fee and individual reduced-price admission tickets, in accordance with the Price Schedule in force, in accordance with the conditions laid down in the Visiting Rules and/or on the Site. Tickets for this visit (booking fee and individual admission tickets) can be purchased up to the same day, subject to availability.
The Purchaser of the Tickets (booking fees and admission tickets) is the referent for the Open tour Group. They undertake to comply with the maximum threshold for the number of visitors referred to above and, in general, to ensure that the Group complies with the security and visit rules set out in the Visiting Rules.
4.5. Birthday Workshops
The Company proposes a Birthday Workshop service for celebrating children's birthdays. Each Birthday Workshop consists of a guided Tour-Workshop given by a Company Guide, without other accompanying adults, followed by a Birthday party (cake time) presided over by the adults who accompany the children, and under those adults' responsibility.
When booking, accompanying adults must inform the Company of any dietary intolerances and.or allergies.
Accompanying adults must not bring any candles, balloons or stramers with them. For safety reasons, these items are not permitted.
The Company Guides crew reserves the possibility to exclude any child who does not respect the rules or the safety measures, or whose behavior is dangerous for others or for the works of art.
The Ticket for this event is an all-inclusive fee that covers the entire service. It can be purchased through booking by telephone according to the time slots that the Company has available. This Service does not require a minimum number of participants. However, it cannot be provided above a maximum number of participants as set out in the Admission Prices and/or on the Site(s).
The Company's Birthday Workshop can be purchased up to 15 working days prior to the visit.
Categories of Groups, visiting conditions and the services included in all-inclusive fees are all described on the Site(s). They may be updated by the Company when the Company considers it appropriate : https://www.pinaultcollection.com/en/boursedecommerce/publics/children
The Purchaser acknowledges having been informed of the price conditions in force on the day of the order and accessible on the Site here: https://www.pinaultcollection.com/en/boursedecommerce/practical-info
The Company reserves the right to modify its Price Schedule, including for Bulk Purchases, at any time and without notice. The Price Schedule in force is the one indicated at the time of validation of the order.
Ticket prices are indicated in Euros, payable in that currency alone and expressed inclusive of all taxes.
6.1. : Online purchase
After having created their Customer Account, the Purchaser places one or more orders on the Sites.
The online purchase procedure includes the following steps:
For Bulk Purchases:
- The Purchaser creates a Customer Account by filling in the information requested via the form,
- The Purchaser indicates the number of admission tickets they wish to purchase,
- A summary showing the entire order is displayed,
- After having checked their order and confirmed that they have read and understood these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the Purchaser then makes the online payment for their order by securely communicating their bank details (numbers, card validity date and cryptogram).
In the event of refusal by the payment centre concerned, the order is automatically cancelled. Any payment of the order by the Purchaser constitutes irrevocable acceptance of the order which cannot be challenged.
As soon as their purchase has been validated (see printing conditions below) and the confirmation of their order has been received, the Purchaser will be able to print the Tickets they have received in pdf format in a dedicated email to the email address indicated, or they can print the Tickets at a later date by logging into their Account. It is the Purchaser's responsibility to ensure that the contact details provided at the time of booking are correct.
For Services dedicated to Groups:
- The Purchaser creates a Customer Account by filling in the information requested via the form,
- The Purchaser chooses a reservation slot, the type of visit they wish to make, the category to which they belong and indicates the information relating to their Group,
- The Purchaser selects the package or the booking fees and, in all cases, the number of participants, as well as the delivery method. The Purchaser is informed, in real time, when placing their order, of the availability of possible slots,
- A summary showing the entire order is displayed,
- After having checked their order and confirmed that they have read and understood these General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the Purchaser then makes the online payment for their order by securely communicating their bank details (numbers, card validity date and cryptogram).
In the event of refusal by the payment centre concerned, the order is automatically cancelled. Any payment of the order by the Purchaser constitutes irrevocable acceptance of the order which cannot be challenged.
As soon as their purchase has been validated (see printing conditions below) and the confirmation of their order has been received, the Purchaser will be able to print the Tickets they have received in pdf format in a dedicated email to the email address indicated, or they can print the Ticket(s) at a later date by logging into their Account. It is the Purchaser's responsibility to ensure that the contact details provided at the time of booking are correct.
No deferred payment is possible online.
6.2. Purchase by telephone
The Purchaser places one or more orders by telephone on 01 55 04 60 70 during opening hours by following the instructions for placing an order.
As with an Online Purchase, the Purchaser will be asked to indicate the elements necessary for the order and to provide the information requested by the Company. In this respect, the Company may be required to request identification and payment information as well as the provision of supporting documents to validate the order.
Unlike online purchases, purchases by telephone allow deferred payment under the following conditions:
- for payments, excluding those made by administrative payment order, provided that payment is made within 15 days of the reservation (this period may be reduced when the visit takes place within the following month), otherwise the reservation cannot be maintained.
- It is specified that for Guided Tours and Workshops with an official Company tour guide made less than one month before the visit, payment must be made no later than 15 working days before said visit. For payments by administrative payment order, under the conditions detailed in Article 7.1.4.
All orders, whatever their origin, are payable in their entirety in a single instalment.
7.1. Payment methods
7.1.1 Payment by credit card (online and by telephone)
The Purchaser guarantees to the Company that they have the authorisations that may be necessary to use the payment method chosen when validating the order.
The Purchaser's bank account is debited for the amount of the order as soon as the transaction is accepted by the payment centre.
The credit card is debited independently of the printing of Tickets.
7.1.2 Payment by cheque (reservation by telephone)
French bank cheques should be made payable to Pinault Collection and sent to 2 bis rue de Viarmes, 75001 Paris, with the order number written on the back of the cheque.
7.1.3 Payment by bank transfer (reservation by telephone)
Transfers must be made to the account whose details will be provided by the Company. The Purchaser must indicate the number of their order in the subject of their transfer.
7.1.4 Payment by administrative payment order (reservation by telephone)
Only public administrations and structures can pay by administrative payment order.
An order form must be sent by post or email to the Company within 15 days after booking and at the latest 15 days before the visit for bookings made less than a month before the visit, otherwise the booking will be cancelled.
The Purchaser then has 30 days following the visit to send the payment.
7.2. Invoice
As soon as the transaction is completed, the Purchaser is informed and receives a purchase confirmation email with a summary of the transaction and an invoice. On request or by consulting their personal space in their Customer Account, the Customer can consult their history and invoices.
7.3 Security of payments
For any payment made on the Site or by telephone, the Company uses the services of a secure payment service provider. The information requested during payment is encrypted.
As soon as the payment of the order has been confirmed by the payment centre, the Purchaser will receive an order confirmation email from the Site.
The confirmation email acknowledges receipt of the order and contains the following information:
- essential characteristics of the service and the tickets sold (the visit site, date and time),
- the total amount of the order,
- the internet link to print out the ticket(s).
The "order confirmation" email also contains the Ticket(s) in PDF format as well as an internet link to print the Ticket(s).
The printable Ticket(s) (e-Tickets) are available as soon as the purchase has been validated and can be printed by the Purchaser up to the date of their visit by clicking on the link in the purchase confirmation email or in the Purchaser's Customer Account, accessible from the Sites.
The mobile Ticket(s) (m-Tickets) are available as soon as the purchase has been validated and the QR code is made available to the Purchaser in their confirmation email. The QR Code is valid until the date of the visit, by clicking on the link in the purchase confirmation email or in the Purchaser's Customer Account, accessible from the Sites.
Printing the confirmation page or the purchase confirmation email sent by the Company does not constitute a Ticket. This document may under no circumstances be used as a Ticket and allow access to the Services at the Bourse de Commerce.
Each Ticket issued is valid only for the date and time indicated on the Ticket or for a specified period of time.
Each Ticket entitles the holder to one entry for one person and/or the number of entries as indicated when ordering, depending on the Services concerned.
10.1 Use of a valid Ticket
All Tickets are systematically checked at the entrance to the Bourse de Commerce and scanned (whether they concern booking fees, admission tickets or a package). The Purchaser must therefore go to access control with their Ticket(s) printed in advance or downloaded to a smartphone. Visitors should carry their Tickets with them during the visit.
To be valid, the printable Ticket (e-Ticket):
- must be printed in one copy on white A4 paper, blank front and back. For Tickets corresponding to admission fees, the Purchaser must print as many Tickets as there are people.
- The Company accepts the printing of two separate Tickets on the same sheet of paper (front and back) if visitors remain together throughout their visit.
Each Ticket has a unique QRCode.
For Tickets printed on paper, a good print quality is required, so that the information on the Ticket and the QRCode are clearly legible.
No device allows the Purchaser to print a Ticket on site on the day of the visit.
Partially printed, soiled, damaged or illegible Tickets will not be accepted and will be considered invalid.
The Company reserves the right to refuse access to its areas (museums, workshops, auditorium) to any holder of a Ticket that is counterfeit, invalid, or which has not been issued by the Company or which has not been acquired via sales methods authorised by the Company.
10.2. Compliance with the Visiting Rules
Purchasers are advised that the Tickets authorise access to the exhibitions or Services at the Bourse de Commerce during the opening hours indicated on the Tickets and/or indicated on the Site and that any visit is subject to compliance with the Visiting Rules.
10.3. Duplicate in the event of loss or theft of the Ticket, reprint in the event of loss of the Accreditation
In the event of loss or theft of a Ticket or a duplication of a Ticket, only the first person presenting the Ticket is considered to be the rightful holder of the Ticket and can access the Service sold by the Company.
The Company cannot be held liable for the loss or theft of the Ticket under any circumstances. However, a duplicate may be issued at the Information-Tickets area on presentation of supporting documents and an identity document, provided that the Ticket has not been used.
In case of loss of an Accreditation, it is possible to reprint the Accreditation from the personal space of the professional tour guide.
Pursuant to Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code and if they can be qualified as a consumer, it is recalled that the Purchaser does not benefit from the withdrawal period for the purchase of Tickets.
The application of Article 1195 of the Civil Code is expressly excluded.
11.1. For reasons attributable to the Purchaser
If it is impossible to carry out the visit in the time slot initially reserved, the Purchaser may contact the Company to consider postponing this time slot or, if this postponement is impossible, request the cancellation of the visit and its refund, provided that this request for postponement or cancellation is made:
- For Guided Tours and Workshops with an official Company tour guide, and Birthday Workshops: 15 working days before the date of the visit;
- for Self-Guided Tours with an external tour guide, Self-guided Tours with an external relay and Open Tours: 5 working days before the date of the visit.
In case of postponement, no additional booking fees are due.
In the event of cancellation, only the Tickets may be refunded in accordance with the conditions set out in Article 11.3; any booking fees remain due and are not refundable.
For Bulk Purchases, Tickets are neither exchangeable nor refundable unless otherwise agreed between the Company and the Purchaser.
11.2. In the event of Force Majeure or for reasons attributable to the Company
In the event of Force Majeure, the Company reserves the right to cancel or reschedule a booking. The Company cannot be held liable for any non-performance due to Force Majeure. In this case, Purchasers who have booked and paid for their reservation will be notified by any available means. One (or more) proposed date(s) will be offered by the Company. If this date is not convenient for the Purchaser or if no date is possible, a refund will be made as described in Article 11.3.
The Company reserves the right to modify the programme of visits, workshops, activities and cultural programming and to replace them with another event of the same nature if the conditions are not met to enable the visit or Service to be presented as planned. If this alternative is not satisfactory to the Purchaser, the refund will be made as described in Article 11.3.
11.3. Refund procedure
When a refund is required, the Company may ask the Purchaser to provide it with any information that it may lack in order to make the refund, and in particular:
- sending the original and complete ticket(s),
- bank details (original bank statement),
- copy of a valid identity document.
Any refund will be made as soon as possible, and at the earliest within 30 (thirty) days of completion of the associated file, to the exclusion of any other compensation or indemnity.
If the purchase of the Services was made by credit card, the refund will be made by crediting the credit card used at the time of purchase. If the purchase was made by bank cheque, the refund will be made by bank transfer.
Article 12: LIABILITY
12.1 Website
The presentation and photographs on the Company's Site do not constitute a contractual commitment. The Company is not in a position to guarantee to the Purchaser that the Site meets their expectations exactly or that no errors appear during the use of the Site.
The Site is accessible 7 days a week and 24 hours a day, subject to its closure for maintenance or repair or in the event of Force Majeure or any event beyond the Company's control.
The Company cannot be held liable in the event of loss or damage suffered by the Purchaser or any third party as a result of a failure in access to the Site, the Internet network, the means of telecommunications and, more generally, due to Force Majeure, during a visit to the Site or when placing an order.
The Company cannot be held liable for any damage resulting from the Purchaser's use of the Internet network or the Purchaser's computer resources, including loss of data following an intrusion, virus or service interruption.
The Company cannot be held liable for any improper use of the Site by the Purchaser or any other third party.
In the event that the Company's liability is sought due to a breach by the Purchaser of any of the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale, the Company may call the Purchaser in warranty.
The Purchaser is solely responsible for their choice to order the Ticket and for the methods of delivery of the Ticket. Consequently, the Company cannot be held liable for any malfunction related to a problem of compatibility between the Ticket and the Purchaser's computer environment or for any malfunction related to a problem printing the Ticket.
12.2 Birthday Workshop
For each Birthday Workshop, the Company declines all responsibility should a participant suffer from the results of a dietary intolerance or allergy of which it was not informed beforehand.
In accordance with article 1242 of the French Civil Code, parents will be held responsible for any damage caused by their minor children.
The computerised registers, kept in the computer systems of the Company or of any of its service providers, under reasonable conditions of security, will be considered as proof of the sale contract, its date, orders and payments made.
The archiving of orders and invoices is carried out on a reliable and durable medium, so as to correspond to a faithful copy, in accordance with Article 1379 of the Civil Code.
The methods of processing the Purchaser's personal data within the framework of the execution of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale are set out in the Personal Data Protection Policy available on the Site and accessible via the following : https://www.pinaultcollection.com/en/personal-data-protection-policy-pinault-collection-paris
These General Terms and Conditions are drawn up in French. In case of doubt, incomprehension or contradiction with a translation into a foreign language, the French version will prevail. Sales of Tickets referred to in these General Terms and Conditions of Sale are subject to French law.
In the event of a complaint, an amicable solution will be sought before any legal recourse before the competent courts within the jurisdiction of the Paris Court of Appeal.